Strategic Plan
A new strategic plan was approved by the Board of Directors on April 1, 2020.
A world where the public can be confident that engineering decisions affecting their lives are made by qualified and ethically accountable professionals.

To foster licensed professional engineers in service to society.
- Protection of the public health, safety, and welfare above all other considerations
- Be the recognized expert in licensure, ethics, and competent practice of engineering
- PE license is the highest standard of professionalism in engineering
- Continuous learning for professional growth
- Commitment to the future and growth in the number of licensed Professional Engineers
- Teamwork, unity, and fellowship of all Professional Engineers across all disciplines
- Innovation through the creative application of math, science, and engineering
- Promote and expand the awareness of the engineering profession
- Foster diversity and inclusion to ensure the profession is a reflection of society

In order to meet its Mission, MSPE has established the following goals:
- Improve membership engagement through networking, leadership, and educational opportunities
- Increase engagement and communication at all levels of our organization
- Increase membership in all forms
- Protect licensure for the Professional Engineer
- Raise the profile of the Professional Engineer
- Financial sustainability for MSPE
- Continue building on our digital presence, while honoring MSPE history and legacy
Objectives and Strategies
To meet the stated goals, MSPE has established the following objectives and action strategies:
Improve membership engagement through networking, leadership, and educational opportunities
- Provide a minimum of eight (8) PDH hours at each annual conference
- Explore additional statewide continuing educational opportunities
- Communicate regularly with members via newsletters and social media
- Regularly maintain and update website
- Encourage MSPE awards and fellow participation
- Encourage young engineers’ involvement at the state and chapters levels
Increase engagement and communication at all levels of our organization
- Encourage members to participate at the board and committee levels
- Provide annual training for state and chapter officers
- Encourage Regional Vice Presidents to communicate and engage with their chapters
- Increase the visibility of Frontline with MSPE members
- Send a summary of board activities to chapter presidents and Regional Vice Presidents
Increase membership in all forms
- Increase overall membership by at least 2%-5% per year
- Improve outreach to student members
- Encourage young engineers to participate in MSPE and attend MSPE events
- Assist in the reinvigoration of inactive MSPE chapters
Protect licensure for the Professional Engineer
- Promote at least one legislative function per chapter each year
- Develop PE license enforcement and engineering ethics position to assist State officials
- Attend state PE Board meetings
- Provide technical guidance to other agencies and associations
Raise the profile of the Professional Engineer
- Increase participation in Legislative Day by at least five (5) new members per year
- Increase engagement with the broader engineering community
- Increase student engagement
Financial sustainability for MSPE
- Increase non-dues revenue by 25% each year
- Obtain basic tier status with NSPE
- Review expenditures to ensure they match our values
- Strategically allocate any increased revenue
Honor the MSPE legacy and create a stronger digital presence
- Perform inventory of MSPE’s physical possessions and historical items
- Continue with a healthy and informative web presence
- Digitize historic MSPE documents
- Create portable banners with MSPE historical photographs and information
- Create a plan for asset disposal